Hospital to pay £29m after baby left brain damaged

Source: , Posted On:   13 June 2024

A hospital trust is to pay out more than £29m in compensation to the family of a baby girl who suffered "catastrophic" injuries due to medical negligence.

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Stepping Hill Hospital in the town, admitted failings by its staff had left the infant with cerebral palsy.

The sum is believed to be the second largest settlement ever agreed by the NHS in a medical negligence case, according to the family's lawyers.

The trust said it had offered its "sincere apologies" to the family and said "many improvements" had been made in the years since the baby was born.

'Devastating impact'

The baby, who is subject to an anonymity order, was born seemingly healthy but began showing signs of distress a short time later.

According to her family's legal team, hospital staff made a "series of negligent omissions" and there was a delay in performing surgery.

As part of the settlement, handed down at the High Court in London, the trust accepted breach of duty and causation.

Barrister Bill Braithwaite KC, who acted for the family, said they had "waited a number of years" for a trial before the trust agreed to settle the case.

"This young girl’s life has changed forever and the impact on the whole family has been devastating," he said.

'Dignity and resilience'