Plaintiff Alleges Negligence Against Healthcare Providers Leading To Wrongful Death

Source: , Posted On:   25 June 2024


A harrowing case of alleged medical negligence has emerged, involving the tragic death of Patricia Marrero due to severe pressure injuries. The complaint was filed by Katie Mancera, as the Personal Representative of Marrero's estate, in the Circuit Court of the 6th Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, Florida on June 13, 2024, against St. Anthony’s Hospital, Inc., Adventura at the Bay, LLC, and Bon Secours - Maria Manor Nursing Care Center, LLC.

The lawsuit paints a distressing picture of Patricia Marrero's final months. Mrs. Marrero had a history of sacral ulcers which were completely healed by March 29, 2022. However, her health took a drastic turn after being admitted to St. Anthony’s Hospital on June 15, 2022. A physician noted a new buttock wound upon her admission. By July 29, 2022, just four days after being re-hospitalized at St. Anthony’s from Adventura and/or Bon Secours nursing homes where she had been residing since July 31st, records revealed a Stage 3 pressure injury on her sacrococcygeal region.

The plaintiff alleges that this injury was likely developed during her stay at St. Anthony’s Hospital due to missing documentation and assessments regarding any pressure injuries for approximately 96 hours prior to its discovery. This gap in records suggests that the hospital's claim that the injury was "Present on Admission" might be self-serving and false.

Katie Mancera asserts that both St. Anthony’s Hospital and the nursing homes failed in their duty to prevent and manage Mrs. Marrero's pressure injuries adequately. Specific accusations include failing to prevent skin breakdowns despite multiple Braden assessments indicating high risk for such injuries; neglecting to implement appropriate care plans; not using pressure-relieving devices until it was too late; and maintaining incomplete medical records.

Moreover, the negligence continued even after Mrs. Marrero returned to Adventura and/or Bon Secours nursing homes on July 31st with a documented sacral ulcer which later escalated into a Stage 4 pressure injury by August 2nd – just two days post-admission without any wound care treatment being implemented until then.

Mrs. Marrero endured immense pain and suffering over six months before succumbing to her injuries on January 6th, 2023. The lawsuit claims that these failures constitute violations under Chapter 400 and Chapter 766 of Florida Statutes which mandate healthcare providers ensure patients' rights are protected including receiving adequate health care services free from abuse or neglect.

In light of these allegations against St.Anthony’s Hospital Inc., Adventura at The Bay LLC.,and Bon Secours-Maria Manor Nursing Care Center LLC., Katie Mancera seeks damages exceeding $50k along with costs interest,and demands trial by jury.The counts filed include survival claims under Chapter766 & Chapter400 against all defendants along with wrongful death claims highlighting how each entity failed Patricia Marrero leading directly towards her untimely demise