Father Alleges Medical Negligence Led to 3-Year-Old Daughter's Death in Cuba

Source: , Posted On:   18 July 2024

"Calm down, everything is fine." These were the words from the pediatricians in Morón, Ciego de Ávila, to Yuddiel Olivera, father of Adriana Olivera Castillo, who tragically passed away at the age of three in Cuba. Allegedly, the doctors failed to diagnose her condition in time and provide effective treatment. Initially, they suspected she had the Oropouche virus, but complications arose, and in a critical state, a doctor instructed the mother to remove her oxygen and carry her to the intensive care unit. This decision, questioned by other medical staff, seemingly worsened her condition. The parents have been informed that the case has been closed without any accountability.

The child was admitted on July 1st due to vomiting and headaches, after enduring these symptoms for nine days. "She didn't want to eat and vomited what little she did eat," the father recounted. Tamara Ruiz de Ávila, the pediatrician attending her, initially assured the parents that the girl was slightly dehydrated but not in alarming condition. However, after conducting tests that yielded no conclusive results, the doctor merely prescribed gravinol, which only temporarily alleviated the vomiting.

The parents continued taking her to the hospital, where they were told it was likely a viral infection, possibly the Oropouche virus, transmitted by a type of gnat. On July 1st, as the vomiting intensified, she was admitted to Roberto Rodríguez Hospital in Ciego de Ávila. The pediatricians reassured the parents, claiming the symptoms were normal and attempted two unsuccessful lumbar punctures, which worsened her condition.

Despite the parents' growing concern, the doctors insisted on waiting until July 8th to transfer her to a pediatric hospital in Camagüey. They detected a "possible hydrocephalus" but downplayed its severity. By the night of July 4th, her condition had deteriorated significantly. Pediatrician Yunier Vázquez, on duty at the time, maintained that she was stable despite her worsening symptoms.

On July 5th, the child exhibited signs of epileptic seizures, prompting an urgent transfer to intensive care. However, the process was delayed as the medical staff prepared the necessary paperwork. Shockingly, the doctor removed her oxygen and instructed the mother to carry her to the ICU, resulting in the child almost dying en route due to aspirating fluids without respiratory assistance. Intensive care specialists deemed the transfer method "insane."