After being hospitalized for 17 days in hospital, patient loses leg movement and is denied care

Source: , Posted On:   15 January 2022

Security guard Arivaldo Pereira de Oliveira, known as ‘Kinho Gordo’, was admitted to the Dom Pedro de Alcântara Hospital (HDPA) in Feira de Santana, on October 30, because of a blood infection and kidney stones.

To Acorda Cidade, he told that he had to stay in the ICU for 17 days and then was discharged. According to Arivaldo, when he left the unit, he felt weakness in his legs, but he was told that it could be the effect of the medications he was using.

“I was hospitalized here in the ICU of Dom Pedro, in that area of ​​Incardio, then they transferred me to the Rehabilitation Center and then I was discharged, the doctor saying that I was already well, but I claimed that I was not feeling my legs, I couldn’t stand up. She told me that it was the effect of the medications that were strong because of the infection. I spent this whole period feeling weak in my legs. Today I returned here at Dom Pedro, thank God the kidney problems are gone resolved, although I still have the stones, but the blood infection was also cured, but I can’t stand up. I came looking for care and I was received very poorly here, I’m looking for a return, a review, but no one wants to see me, saying that I have to look for a UPA, a Polyclinic, but it was a situation caused by Dom Pedro, and they want me to go get care in another place”, he lamented.

Also according to Arivaldo, no report was given after hospital discharge, only a prescription.

“That was in November and I’m still suffering here. They didn’t give me any report, just a prescription for medicine, I worked for a few days, but I didn’t have the strength, there was a day when I fell into the company and now I’m still not working, because I’m not My days are being discounted, I have to drag myself along, my arms are not holding up anymore because of my weight, I arrived here around 7 am, it’s almost 12 pm and so far I haven’t received the service. I know if this could be related to medical malpractice or if I took too many medicines, I know that my nerves are no longer able to stand up. My legs are swollen, and they just send me to an UPA or Polyclinic”, he concluded.