Man goes to hospital with problem in the sole of his foot and has his leg amputated

Source: , Posted On:   19 November 2022

A Thai man is suing a hospital after he was admitted to the health facility with a problem with the sole of his foot and had his left leg amputated.

According to information from the Daily Star, the man, whose identity has not been revealed, says that hospital health professionals amputated his leg without permission.

He alleges that he signed a form allowing the “repair” of wounds to perform a surgical procedure, but did not know that this would lead to the cutting of his leg. The patient accuses the doctors of having put a clause on amputation only after the surgical intervention.

The Thai lost the first lawsuit filed against the hospital, but he appealed to the Council of Lawyers of Thailand to have his case taken forward. The man claims that the doctor who attended to him was “negligent” and that the amputation caused “serious damage” in his life.

Now, lawyers Pricha Senpanich and Naron Asa, who represent the patient, will ask specialists to investigate whether in fact there was medical malpractice in order to proceed or not with the case.

The lawyers did not specify the amount of “compensation” that the Thai is asking for in court. The hospital has not commented on the allegation.