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How Eye Exams Can Get An Eye Doctors Sued

Source: , Posted On:   22 April 2021

How Eye Exams Can Get An Eye Doctors Sued

Eyes play a major role in our daily lives. Sadly many people suffer serious eye injuries due to negligence by an eye doctor. These people may file a medical malpractice claim to restore compensation for their lost wages, medical expenses, pain, and suffering. Patients can be victims of the medical practice performed by eye doctors in several ways. Below are some of the popular reasons eye doctors are sued for medical malpractice. Keep in mind that most eye doctors never get sued their entire career.  If you are in need of vision care you can get an eye exams in Greenacres FL.


Misdiagnosis is one of the reasons eye doctors are sued. Eye doctors are expected to be able to identify problems with the eye of the patient during the routine eye examinations. However, many doctors are not able to diagnose a patient’s condition properly. This is the main cause of medical malpractice not only among eye doctors but in the entire healthcare industry. Misdiagnosis in a patient may lead to the patient suffering from injuries because the specific problem they are suffering from is not treated in a timely way. Additionally, patients who are misdiagnosed might undergo irrelevant treatment that might cause further damage.


Infections are also another reason eye doctors are sued, this is so because eye doctors are expected to handle their patients who have been through eye surgery not long ago with extreme care. This is due to the fact that the eye is very vulnerable to infections, and the moment infections form, it spreads and affects other parts of the body. Sadly, some patients may develop infections when the eye doctor does not sanitize equipment prior to eye examination after an operation.

Informed consent

Informed consent is also another reason eye doctors get sued, therefore an eye doctor needs to inform the patient of any risks linked with the procedure or surgery before starting any treatment. Also, a doctor must inform the patient what he or she suspects might happen to the patient’s eyes if the recommended procedure is not performed. Eye doctors must check on other possible options for the proposed treatment and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these procedures. This is done to help the patient decide whether they will proceed with the treatment after knowing about the potential dangers involved. In case an eye doctor does not give a patient these details, the doctor can be sued for medical malpractice if a patient is hurt during the treatment.

 Surgical errors

Surgical errors are also another reason for suing eye doctors, this type of medical malpractice can be committed when an eye doctor is carrying out surgery. Some of the most popular surgical errors that eye doctors perform include destroying other areas of the eye, performing surgery on the wrong eye, performing unnecessary operations, and using unsterilized tools.

Medical negligence

Negligence by eye doctors during practice is also a reason for them to be sued, when an eye doctor negligently uses tools that have not been sterilized appropriately, they expose their patients to the danger of developing serious eye infections. These infections can spread to the other body parts; if it is not detected and treated promptly or becomes severe to an extent the patient loses his or her eye. A patient who undergoes pain due to the medical negligence of a medical professional can at times present medical malpractice claims against the negligent party. These claims help patients with a way to find financial relief for the injuries they incurred as a result of medical negligence that was performed against them. 

Blindness and blurry vision

Mistakes by the eye doctor can cause a patient to completely or partially lose his or her ability to see. This might have an important impact on an individual’s life and affect one’s capability to work and live independently. Sometimes, victims of medical malpractice suffer from irreversible blurry vision rather than going completely blind. It is unpleasant to live with a permanent blurry vision because it affects victims to operate appropriately.

No patient should encounter medical malpractice at the hands of an eye doctor, and one should not allow errors of a doctor to change their lives forever; this is because these medical malpractices can have serious impacts on one’s life like eye infections, vision problems, and loss of vision. Therefore, it is always advisable to seek the justice that you deserve in case of medical malpractice by an ophthalmologist. You can hire an attorney in cases of medical malpractice.

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