A 28-day-old baby in Kannur had a needle stuck in its thigh 25 days after receiving the BCG vaccine at Pariyaram Medical College. The baby’s parents have filed a legal complaint, accusing the hospital of negligence. The Health Department has started an investigation into the incident.
A shocking incident of medical negligence has surfaced in Kannur, where a needle was found stuck in the body of a newborn baby, 25 days after receiving the BCG vaccine. The 28-day-old baby, the child of Peringom residents T.V. Sreeji and K.R. Revathi, was administered the vaccine at Kannur’s Pariyaram Government Medical College. The discovery of the needle, embedded in the baby’s thigh, has raised serious concerns regarding the hospital’s negligence in treatment.
The ordeal began after the mother, Revathi, delivered her baby at the hospital on December 24th. The baby received two mandatory vaccines within the first 22 hours of birth, after which both mother and child were discharged. However, complications arose when the baby developed a painful boil at the vaccine site, which began to ooze pus. The parents sought treatment at the same hospital, where antibiotics were prescribed to treat the infection. Despite the medication, the child continued to cry and appeared increasingly fatigued.
After a subsequent visit to the hospital, the abscess worsened, and the situation led the parents to seek additional medical help at a private hospital’s casualty department. It was during this visit that the needle was discovered lodged in the baby’s thigh. The needle was removed, but the discovery of such negligence has left the family in shock.
Authorities have taken note of the situation, with the Health Department launching an investigation into the matter. The hospital has been accused of serious negligence, and the family has expressed their intention to pursue legal action against the medical staff involved.
The incident has raised serious questions about the protocols followed during vaccinations, and the hospital’s failure to notice or address the issue until weeks after the vaccination has sparked widespread outrage. The parents are now calling for justice, hoping to ensure that such incidents do not happen to other families.
The Health Department has assured that strict action will be taken if any negligence is found on the part of the hospital.