Tension ran high at Nayagarh District Headquarters Hospital (DHH) following the death of a woman post-delivery as her family members alleged medical negligence, Monday morning. The deceased woman was identified as Sabitri Sethi, 30, a resident of Tentulia village under Jagannath Prasad block of Ganjam district. Following the death of the woman, police reached and began an investigation. An administrative inquiry by the Health Department has also commenced in this regard. Though the mother and newborn son were healthy after delivery, the woman lost her life after receiving a blood transfusion. However, the infant was in good health, it was learnt.
It has also been alleged that Rs 5,000 was paid to the doctor and additional money was given to the nurse for the operation. According to the deceased’s sister-in-law, Sabitri was admitted to a local health centre after experiencing labour pain. As her condition did not improve, the doctor referred her to the Nayagarh District Headquarters Hospital, where she was admitted Saturday. The doctors suggested surgery as a normal delivery was not possible. After the operation, Sabitri gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Both the mother and the child were stable when they were moved to the ward. However, after the doctor advised a blood transfusion, Sabitri’s condition worsened and she eventually lost her life.