Indian News

Bihar Medical Shocker: Primary Health Centre Plasters Man's Fractured Leg With Cardboard Splint

Source: , Posted On:   13 June 2024

In a startling case of medical negligence, young man's fractured leg was treated by tying a cardboard carton to his leg instead of a plaster cast. After falling from his two-wheeler and hurting his leg, Nitish Kumar was brought to a primary health center in Minapur, where his leg was bandaged with a carton.

Post the accident, Kumar was rushed to the adjacent Muzaffarpur campus of Shree Krishna Medical College and Hospital College. His family said that throughout the five days he was admitted to the hospital, no medical practitioner checked upon him, despite the fact that he should have removed the temporary splint and replaced it with a plaster cast.

As per hospital superintendent Vibha Kumar, doctors have been told to tend to the patient and he will soon receive the required care. She said that a probe was being conducted to find out why a plaster cast was not used in place of the cardboard splint.

She blamed the primary health center for applying the cardboard splint on his leg, denying any carelessness on the part of the hospital.

On the other hand, Chandradev Ram, father of the injured said that despite getting an X-ray done, the doctors did not apply any plaster. "Upon asking, the doctor said that they would be attaching a steel plate to his leg soon. The steel will be transported from Patna, following which Kumar will go under the knife," Ram added.

Some videos going viral show Kumar lying in bed in a corner of the room with the cardboard sheet still wrapped to his leg with an old bandage.
